Vaping Excise Tax

Federal Excise Rates on Vaping Products

On July 1 2024, The Liberal Trudeau Government decided to raise the excise tax on vaping products by 12%.

The Federal Excise tax rate is as follows:

The Excise tax is $1.12 for every 2ml of juice up to 10ml. Which equals to $5.60.

Then $1.12 Excise for every 10ml or a fraction thereof over the initial 10ml.

NOTE: All of our products will have the increased Federal Excise tax added to it starting on July1 2024.

Provincial Excise Rates on Vaping Products

On July 1 2024, the Conservative Ford Government decided to double down on the Federal Excise tax.

The Provincial Excise tax rate is as follows:

The Excise tax is $1.12 for every 2ml of juice up to 10ml. Which equals to $5.60.

Then $1.12 Excise for every 10ml or a fraction thereof over the initial 10ml.

NOTE:   We will be transitioning into this new Provincial tax system from July 1 2024 to Sep 30 2024.

              On Oct 1 2024, all of our products will have the combined tax added to it.

The new combined Excise Tax rate will be:

The combined Excise tax rate is as follows:

The Excise tax is $2.24 for every 2ml of juice up to 10ml. Which equals to $11.20.

Then $2.24 Excise for every 10ml or a fraction thereof over the initial 10ml.

Make sure to let your Governments know how unhappy you are about these excessive tax rates on Vaping products.

CLICK HERE to find you MP or MPP.